You can learn Makaton in a number of different ways. There are a range of different Workshops and sessions available, depending on your requirements.
A Taster Session will start you on your Makaton journey and provides a practical introduction to the Makaton Language Programme and a wider understanding of learning and communication difficulties. Taster sessions are topic based and can be tailored to your requirements.
The Taster Session is an informal training and provides information about the Makaton Language Programme and how it may be used in different settings to support language development and communication. The session introduces the signs and symbols for around 40 useful everyday words including, 12 tailored words to your setting or a chosen theme, eg. Christmas, Early Years education.
A set list ‘A’ of approximately 30 useful everyday signs and symbols will be introduced, plus an additional list ‘B’ of signs and symbols for 12 more words or concepts which can be tailored for your group.
Taster Sessions comprise of 90 minutes to 2 hours of learning.
All participants receive a handout pack with copies of all the signs and symbols learned.
Level 1 Workshop is the starting point for your Makaton journey. It is recommended for people who need to use Makaton at home and in their work, to develop the communication skills of others. Level 1 training provides a practical introduction to the Makaton Language Programme and a wider understanding of learning and communication difficulties.
The Level 1 Workshop include how to start using Makaton in everyday situations; immediate needs, home, familiar people, food, events, activities and objects. You will also discover hints and tips for effective signing and symbol use to maximise communication.
After completing Level 1 training you can continue on your Makaton journey by attending Level 2 training.
Level 2 training builds on the knowledge you gained in Level 1 training. Level 2 training provides a practical learning session on how apply the Makaton Language Programme. The Level 2 Workshop builds on topics learnt from Level 1 training including; people, food, activities, objects and events. New vocabulary will also be introduced which is ideal for the school environment and work places. You will begin to learn more abstract concepts such as spatial locations, attributes, pronouns and actions.
After completing Level 2 training you can continue on your Makaton journey by attending Level 3 training.
Level 3 training is an advanced level of Makaton training and will help you to improve and develop your signing and symbol skills and how to use them effectively every day. Level 3 training provides a practical learning session on how apply the Makaton Language Programme.
The Level 3 Workshop will start with a refresher on the signs previous taught in Levels 1 and 2, building on topics such as; people, activities, events and objects. New vocabulary will also be introduced which are ideal for personal development; feelings, interests, community and, thinking and knowing. You will begin to learn more abstract concepts such as propositions.
After completing Level 3 training you can continue on your Makaton journey by attending our final Workshop, Level 4 training.
Level 4 training is an advanced level of Makaton training and will help you to improve and develop your signing and symbol skills and how to use them effectively every day. Level 4 training completes our Workshop series.
Level 4 training provides a practical learning session on how apply the Makaton Language Programme. The Level 4 Workshop will start with a refresher on the signs previous taught in Levels 1,2 and 3, building on topics such as; feelings and interests. New vocabulary will be introduced which are ideal to develop life skills; money, quantities, numbers and time. You will be introduced to the topic of relationships.
After completing Level 4 training you can continue on your Makaton journey by training to become a Makaton Tutor. You are required to have at least 6 months experience of using Makaton before application. If you are interested in becoming a Tutor please visit for further information.
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